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Research Cell

Research Cell of our College along with IQAC looks after research policies for ethics and plagiarism. Our College is very particular to produce thesis/research articles which are of original and high quality. The goals of the cell along IQAC is to promote scientific research by providing the code of ethical practices for individual faculties by UGC guidelines from time to time. It is further informed that all students, faculty, researchers and staff about proper attribution, seeking permission of the author wherever necessary, acknowledgement of source compatible with the needs and specificities of disciplines and in accordance with rules, international conventions and regulations governing the source.

Composition of Research Cell of our College:

  • Cell is headed by Chairperson who is preferably PhD.
  • A member who is sincere from outside the Department who is appointed by Principal of College.
  • A member who is having good knowledge of plagiarism software.
  • Entire Cell reports to Principal of College.

The College got a vibrant research cell. It takes all efforts to inculcate research culture among faculties and students.

The Research Cell of 2018-19:

  1. Dr. Sumi Nijith (Head)
  2. Dr. Bina Sarkar
  3. Ms. Jayasree V.

Objectives of Cell:

  • To create awareness about responsible conduct of research, thesis, dissertation, promotion of academic integrity and prevention of misconduct including plagiarism in academic writing among student, faculty, researcher and staff.
  • To establish institutional mechanism through education and training to facilitate responsible conduct of research, thesis, dissertation, promotion of academic integrity and deterrence from plagiarism.
  • To develop systems to detect plagiarism and to set up mechanisms to prevent plagiarism and punish a student, faculty, researcher or staff of College.
  • All the students/faculties have to ensure that that documents such as thesis, dissertation, publications or any other such documents are free of plagiarism at the time of their submission.
  • Every student submitting a thesis, dissertation, or any other such documents to the College shall submit an undertaking indicating that the document has been prepared by him or her and that the document is his/her original work and free of any plagiarism.
  • The faculty in charge also endorses it.

Our College policy towards Research Ethics covers:

  • All staff, temporary and permanent, performing their teaching, research and administrative duties and supporting to the core values of the College.
  • All registered UG and PG students.
  • Alumni having research aptitude.

Levels of Plagiarism at College level.

Plagiarism is quantified into following levels in ascending order of severity for the purpose of its definition:

  1. Level 0 : Similarities up to 10% - Minor similarities, no penalty
  2. Level 1  : Similarities above 10% to 40%
  3. Level 2 : Similarities above 40% to 60%
  4. Level 3 : Above 60%
UGC Plagiarism Rule

Penalties in case of plagiarism in submission of thesis, dissertations and research publications.

Our College IQAC/ Research Cell follows different level of penalty for plagiarism:

  1. Level 0 : Similarities upto 10% - Minor Similarities, no penalty.
  2. Level 1  : Similarities above 10% to 40% - Such student shall be asked to submit a revised script within a stipulated time period not exceeding 6 months.
  3. Level 2 : Similarities above 40% to 60% - Such student/faculty shall be debarred from submitting a revised script for a period of one year.
  4. Level 3 : Similarities above 60% - Such student registration for that programme shall be cancelled.

For the UG compulsory projects under University of Mumbai, in our college, Department of Management, B.Com Financial Management, B.Com Transport Management, B.Com Investment Management and B.Com Environmental Management are using the free software Smallsetools ( and Free Trials software ‘Plagscan’ ( to check the uniqueness of their projects, and before the UGC Regulation 2017 , plagiarism upto 25%-30% was allowed subject to proper acknowledgement.

Sr.No. Name of Project Name of Faculty Year Sanctioned authority
1 “A Study Of Students Satisfaction in Undergradaute Self Finance Programes of University of Mumbai-With Special Reference To Selected Central Suburban Colleges” Ms. Jayasree Venkitachalam 2013-14 University of Mumbai
2 "Ruhaniat-- an Awareness & Socio Economic Research Survey" Ms. Saraswathi Nadi,
Mr. Srichand Hinduja, and
Ms. Jayasree Venkitachalam
2014-15 Management
3 "Education and Women empowerment - A case study of Baiganwadi, 'M' ward" Dr. Nadhira Khan 2017-18 Management

Sr.No. Title of paper Name of the author/s Name of journal Year of publication ISBN/ISSN number
1 Demonitisation in India a Critical Review Dr. Ravindran Karathadi Genius 2017-18 ISSN: 2279-0489
2 Changing Human Resource Management Scenario in the Indian Public Sector Banks- A post reforms study Ms. Jayashree Venkitachalam International Journal of Research Culture Society 2017-18 ISSN : 2456 – 6683
3 A study on E-Banking Awareness among females students in the Central Suburban Colleges of City of Mumbai Ms. Jayashree Venkitachalam Research Matrix 2017-18 ISSN : 2321 - 7073
4 Changing behaviour of E- Commerce Mr. Hinduja Srichand Management Guru: Journal of Management Research 2017-18 ISSN : 2319 - 2429
5 Role of Information Literacy Skills in Maximize utilization of the Information from the newly emerged facets of IT Dr. Sangaraj M Hosamani Rex Journal 2017-18 ISSN : 2321 - 1067
6 Impact of Government Safety Net Programs on Consumption Expenditure of Rural Households- A Study in Kerala' Dr. Sumi Nijith Proceedings of National Research Conference on Commerce Management and Social Sciences 2017-18 ISBN:978-93-5281-856-3
7 Impact of Demonetization on Co operative Sector in Kelara' Dr. Sumi Nijith International Conference on Commerce and Management in Changing Times 2017-18 ISBN:978-93-5300-371-5
8 Impact of Kudumbsree Programs on Women Empowerment - A Study in Ernakulam District Dr. Sumi Nijith International Journal of Research Culture Society 2017-18 ISSN:2456-6683
9 A Study on the preference of people towards using public transport Mumbai with respect to Chembur area. Ms. Naveena Suresh International Journal of Research Culture Society 2017-18 ISSN: 2456-6683
10 Corporate Social Responsibility - A Gateway for Economic Development Mahtab Khan International Journal of Research Culture Society 2017-18 ISSN : 2456 – 6683
11 Corporate Social Responsibility - A Gateway for Economic Development Mehjabeen Khan International Journal of Research Culture Society 2017-18 ISSN : 2456 – 6683
12 Teaching Learning in a Digital Age Ms. Mamta Meghnani SJIF Journal (Scholarly Research Journals) 2017-18 ISSN: 2317-4766
13 The impact of Sustainable Human Resource Management & Role of HR in achieving a sustainable. Rishita Shukla International Journal of Research Culture Society 2017-18 ISSN : 2456 – 6683
14 The impact of Sustainable Human Resource Management & Role of HR in achieving a sustainable. Ms. Swati Manjrekar International Journal of Research Culture Society 2017-18 ISSN : 2456 – 6683
15 Study on E-waste management Ms. Sana Asar International Journal of Research Culture Society 2017-18 ISSN : 2456 – 6683
16 Study on E-waste management Ms. Saraswati Nadi International Journal of Research Culture Society 2017-18 ISSN : 2456 – 6683
17 Corporate Social Responsibility: An Indian Perspective Mr. Iyer Parmeswaran International Journal of Research Culture Society 2017-18 ISSN : 2456 – 6683
18 Taxation of E-commerce under GST Mr. Iyer Parmeswaran Genius 2017-18 ISSN: 2279-0489
19 The Effects of Women Job Sustainability Post Pragnancy with Respect to Mumbai Region Ms. Prasadhini Gautam Shanlax 2017-18 ISSN: 2321-4643

Sr.No. Title of Paper Name of Faculty Date Presented At
1 “Financial Literacy and Women Empowerment” Ms. Jayasree Venkitachalam 4th November 2019 University Of Newyork,Prague

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Sree Narayana Guru College of Commerce,
P.L.Lokhande Marg,
Chembur (West), Mumbai- 400089.
Maharashtra, INDIA
Phone: 022-25263132/23

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